Seminário “Space Weather and its influence on navigation and communication”
Data da publicação: 12 de abril de 2019 Categoria: NotíciasResponsável: Dr. Jens Berdermann (German Aerospace Center – DLR)
Data: 4 de julho de 2017
Horário: 10h
Local: Auditório do DETI (Bloco 725 do Campus do Pici)
The highly dynamic ionosphere has a strong effect on the performance of radio systems used in space based communication, navigation and remote sensing. Moreover, ionospheric disturbances caused by space weather effects may degrade the accuracy, reliability and availability of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), such as GPS and the future civilian European system Galileo. Therefore a very large amount of ionospheric data covering high, medium and low solar activity periods over the globe has been captured, processed as well as archived since 1995 at DLR Neustrelitz. The captured data is being used for ionospheric research including modelling and characterization of ionospheric parameters and effects. The German Aerospace Center operates the Ionosphere Monitoring and Prediction Center (IMPC) with special focus on monitoring and forecasting ionospheric conditions to support GNSS applications. The seminar provides an overview about space weather effects and their influence on navigation and communication followed by the presentation of the IMPC and the actual space weather research at DLR. Furthermore an overview about the actual state of Space Weather science and service in Germany and Europe is given.