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Universidade Federal do Ceará
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Teleinformática

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Presentation: ”Power Allocation with Cell Discontinuous Transmission” Published at: April 12, 2019 Category:News
Speaker: Rémi Bonnefoi, Ph.D. Student Abstract: Reducing base stations energy consumption is one of the major challenges of wireless [...]

Lecture “Cidades inteligentes, um novo paradigma da sociedade do conhecimento” Published at: April 12, 2019 Category:News
Speaker: Prof. Dr. André Aquino (UFAL) When: 07/28/2017, 16h Where: Sala de Seminários 2 do DETI (Bloco 725 do Campus do Pici) Abstract: [...]

Seminar “Space Weather and its influence on navigation and communication” Published at: April 12, 2019 Category:News
Speaker: Dr. Jens Berdermann (German Aerospace Center – DLR) When: 07/04/2017, 10h Where: Auditório do DETI (Bloco 725 do Campus do [...]

Seminar “First-order Perturbation Analysis of Low-rank Tensor Approximations Based on the Truncated HOSVD” Published at: April 12, 2019 Category:News
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Martin Haardt (Ilmenau University of Technology) When: 04/27/2017, 10:30h Where: Sala de Seminários do GTEL (Bloco 722 [...]

Lecture “Métricas de Fisher em Sistemas de Codificação” Published at: April 12, 2019 Category:News
Speaker: Profa. Dra. Sueli Irene Rodrigues Costa (Unicamp) When: 12/14/2016, 14h Where: Sala de Seminários do GTEL (Bloco 722 do Campus do [...]

Lecture “Métodos de Estimação de Múltiplas em Sistemas Geofísicos” Published at: April 12, 2019 Category:News
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Renato da Rocha Lopes (Unicamp) When: 12/13/2016, 14h Where: Sala de Seminários do GTEL (Bloco 722 do Campus do [...]

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