Presentation: ”Power Allocation with Cell Discontinuous Transmission”
April 12, 2019. Publicado em: News
Speaker: Rémi Bonnefoi, Ph.D. Student Abstract: Reducing base stations energy consumption is one of the major challenges of wireless mobile networks. This can be done by switching dynamically to sleep mode the base station during short periods when there are few users in the cell coverage. This is called cell discontinuous transmission (cell DTx). In […]
Lecture “Cidades inteligentes, um novo paradigma da sociedade do conhecimento”
April 12, 2019. Publicado em: News
Speaker: Prof. Dr. André Aquino (UFAL) When: 07/28/2017, 16h Where: Sala de Seminários 2 do DETI (Bloco 725 do Campus do Pici) Abstract: Será apresentada uma breve discussão a respeito de conceitos emergentes em cidades inteligentes que podem ser facilmente incorporados em países emergentes, como o Brasil. Serão explorados quatro importantes temas em cidades inteligentes: mobilidade […]
Seminar “Space Weather and its influence on navigation and communication”
April 12, 2019. Publicado em: News
Speaker: Dr. Jens Berdermann (German Aerospace Center – DLR) When: 07/04/2017, 10h Where: Auditório do DETI (Bloco 725 do Campus do Pici) Abstract: The highly dynamic ionosphere has a strong effect on the performance of radio systems used in space based communication, navigation and remote sensing. Moreover, ionospheric disturbances caused by space weather effects […]
Seminar “First-order Perturbation Analysis of Low-rank Tensor Approximations Based on the Truncated HOSVD”
April 12, 2019. Publicado em: News
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Martin Haardt (Ilmenau University of Technology) When: 04/27/2017, 10:30h Where: Sala de Seminários do GTEL (Bloco 722 do Campus do Pici) Abstract: The truncated version of the higher-order singular value decomposition (HOSVD) has a great significance in multi-dimensional tensor-based signal processing. It allows to extract the principal components from noisy observations […]
Speaker: Profa. Dra. Sueli Irene Rodrigues Costa (Unicamp) When: 12/14/2016, 14h Where: Sala de Seminários do GTEL (Bloco 722 do Campus do Pici)