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Universidade Federal do Ceará
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Teleinformática

Área do conteúdo

Laboratory of Computer Systems Engineering – LESC

Description: The researchers group that works at LESC develop its PD&I activities (research, development and innovation) on the following main themes: (i) Embedded Systems (hardware/software); (ii) Microelectronics; (iii) Error-Tolerant Systems; (iv) Distributed Systems Applied to Educational Technology; (v) Signals, Images and Video Processing; (vi) Biomedical Systems (hardware/software); (vii) Biomedical Signal and Image Processing; and (vii) Test Systems (hardware). Some of the group’s problems of interest are the following: project, analysis, and development of (hardware/software): computing, embedded and microelectronics systems; Educational Technology; distributed systems; biomedical and medical diagnosis support systems; among others.


Team: LESC has 03 Dr researchers and 03 with Master’s degree (02 on doctoral studies), all of them are Professors at DETI, among which, 02 also teach at PPGETI, besides the participation of 13 graduate and 10 undergraduate students involved with the topics of interest of the group.


Location: Building 723 (CT)


Contact: Paulo César Cortez (cortez@lesc.ufc.br) and Helano de Sousa Castro (helano@lesc.ufc.br)

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