Apresentação: “Power Allocation with Cell Discontinuous Transmission”
Data da publicação: 12 de abril de 2019 Categoria: NotíciasResponsável: Rémi Bonnefoi, Ph.D. Student
Data: 14 de setembro de 2017
Horário: 14h
Local: Sala de Seminários do GTEL (Bloco 722 do Campus do Pici)
Reducing base stations energy consumption is one of the major challenges of wireless mobile networks. This can be done by switching dynamically to sleep mode the base station during short periods when there are few users in the cell coverage. This is called cell discontinuous transmission (cell DTx). In this presentation, we show that when cell DTx is used with power control, there is a trade-off between the users’ instantaneous transmit power and the time during which the base station is switched to sleep mode which minimizes the base station energy consumption. Furthermore, we propose efficient algorithms which use closed form expressions to find this optimum.