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Universidade Federal do Ceará
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Teleinformática

Área do conteúdo

Seminário “Empowering Diversity: Harnessing the MHz to THz Community”

Data de publicação: 16 de julho de 2024. Categoria: Notícias

Title: Empowering Diversity: Harnessing the MHz to THz Community

Local: LESC

Data: 25.07 – 14h

Abstract: IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. IEEE’s mission to foster technological innovation and excellence to benefit humanity requires the talents and perspectives of people with different personal, cultural, and disciplinary backgrounds. The MTT-S, with 13,500+ members, endorses the statement on diversity and inclusion of IEEE. IEEE is committed to advancing diversity in the technical profession, and to promoting an inclusive and equitable culture that welcomes, engages, and rewards all who contribute to the field, without regard to race, religion, gender, disability, age, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression.

In this talk, the MTT-S society will be presented in the framework of MTT-S AdCom and D&I Committee with particular focus on inclusion, equity, and diversity. An introduction of the MTT-S to the community members about the AdCom, the responsibilities of the SC, opportunities and resources, benefits for career development, how to get involved into MTT-S and become volunteer, etc. How to engage senior professionals by inviting them to deliver talks to the young professionals to share their experiences or advice on how do research or how to have better career development, how to writing good papers, and much more.

Bio: Glauco Fontgalland received the B.S. (1989) and M.Sc. (1993) degree in EEng in Brazil, and Ph.D. from INPT/ENSEEIHT, France, in 1999, where his dissertation was nominated to Leopold Scande Award. In 2003, he joints the UFCG, where he is Full professor. He authored or co-authored more than 250 publications in journals and conferences. In 2007, he was the PI of a research exchange program with ESISAR/INPG, and a scholarship program with Grenoble-INP (2004-2007). During the winter 2007, he was an invited professor at ESISAR/INPG, France. He chaired the WSIM’10: RFID trends to the future, sponsored by IEEE France and Northeast Brazil Sections, the I EscRFID summer school on RFID technology for agriculture, health, and security, in 2017, and the IMOC 2021 and the IMOC Industry Talks, online event, in 2022. From 2010–2012 and 2022–2023 he was a visiting researcher at The Ohio State University (OSU). He is a visiting professor at the University of Mount Union, US. He is a member of IEEE (MTT-S, AP-S, EMC-S), ACES, SBMO, SBMag, SBMeta, and SBMicro. He was co-recipient of many best papers in conferences. He received the IEEE Region 9 Latin America Meritorious Service Award, 2024 and the IET Microwave, Antennas & Propagation Outstanding Reviewer, 2019. He is a reviewer of more than 30 scientific journals (10+ IEEE). He is the former AP-S chapter, R-9 Northeast Brazil Section, the MTT-S R-9 Coordinator, MTT-S IMOC Executive Committee Chair, MTT-S RWW Publicity & Publications Co-Chairs (2019-2023), MTT-S SIGHT Committee Member (2024 – ), MTT-S DMI R9 Ambassador (2023-2024), MTT-S Education Committee (EdCom) Volunteer Member (2023-2024), MTT-S P3136 SA WG for a universal waveguide interface for frequencies of 60 GHz and above (2022-2024), AP-S EdCom Member (2019 – ), and AP-S Student Design Contest (SDC) Chair (2021-2024).

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