Seminário “The Technique of UWB SARP Processing and the Unique Capabilities of Low Frequency UWB SAR for Remote Sensing and Surveillance Applications”
Data da publicação: 12 de abril de 2019 Categoria: NotíciasResponsável: Prof. Dr. Mats I. Pettersson (Blekinge Institute of Technology, Suécia)
Data: 6 de setembro de 2016
Horário: 10h
Local: Sala de Seminários do GTEL (Bloco 722 do Campus do Pici)
Since the late 1985 there has been an ongoing development of Ultra Wide Band (UWB) Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) technology in Sweden. The idea to use UWB SAR, from the beginning, was to reduce the speckle noise in SAR images and by that get a perfect situation for target detection. It has been experiment verification that the speckle noise is really low in UWB SAR. To reduce bandwidths and data rates the first airplane mounted UWB SAR system was operating at VHF which is a very uncommon band for a high resolution radar systems. However the operating frequency turned out to be perfect when it comes to foliage penetration, and the combination of low frequency and UWB SAR has shown to have the ability to detect camouflaged and concealed targets. Particular by change detection between different illuminations low frequency UWB SAR has indicated that it can detect human activity even in very dense forest environments. In this presentation we will look into the technique of UWB SAR and compare it to traditional SAR. Mainly we will focus on the scattering properties and statistics, UWB SAR image processing, change detection and even processing of moving targets.